So you're interested in becoming an EMT.
Here are some common questions we've encountered over the years of teaching this program. We sincerely hope you find what you're looking for on this journey.
What is an Emergency Medical Technician?
There are multiple levels in the world of prehospital emergency medicine. The two most popular are EMT-B (basic) and EMT-P (paramedic). This program will provide the knowledge and skills to give basic life support to medical illnesses and traumatic injuries. Becoming an EMT will allow you to apply to a variety of jobs that offer patient care experience that usually also have the flexibility to allow you to continue pursuing school.
Are there any prerequisites to the program?
You need to be at least 18 years old to challenge the NREMT (We've had 17 year olds take the course). We do need your immunization records (Hep B, MMR, Varicella, and TDAP.) by the first day of class. We also want you to obtain a recent TB test. (within 6 months of the first day of class) We provide a BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR class on the second day. A High School Diploma or GED is recommended but not required.
Am I an EMT after finishing the program?
Just as nursing students are not nurses after school and medical students are not physicians after school, EMT students must take a certification exam after successfully completing a program. This certificate can be transferred to a state license to begin working. Please note that a social security number is required to obtain an Illinois State EMT license.
When are classes offered?
Classes in the fall and spring are 20 weeks and classes in the summer are 15 weeks. The fall semester typically runs from mid-August to early Jan. The spring semester typically runs from early January to mid-May. The summer semester runs from the middle of May to the middle of August.

Let's Work Together
Send us an email with any questions!