Class Materials
On this page, you will find the additional equipment required for the EMT class. You may procure this equipment your own way, but these are the items we recommend based on quality and price. We receive a commission by using the links below. It helps us maintain the website. Thank you!
Student EMT Polo
Purchase your Chicago EMT Uniform Polo here
You'll wear your uniform to every in-person lab session as well as every clinical rotation
Navy Blue Pants
These pants can range from dickies/dockers style pants to tactical medic-style pants. They must have belt loops. No jeans, no scrubs, no leggings
Men's Dickies: https://amzn.to/36vRZvB
Women's Dickies: https://amzn.to/3fdUWFV
Men's Under Armour Pants: https://amzn.to/3ic12bF
Women's Under Armour Pants: https://amzn.to/2WC4jZp
Shoes or Boots must be solid black (including logos and emblems). They may be dress shoes (with laces), gym shoes, or boots. No flats
Boots: https://amzn.to/3hZoDuM
Shoes: https://amzn.to/3eU1ARn
MedTech EMT Supplies
Please use this link to obtain the majority of the additional materials required for the program.
BP cuff
Trauma Shears
We will be utilizing the stethoscope to listen to lung sounds and blood pressures
Blood Pressure Cuff
Must be a manual blood pressure cuff. Preferably separate from the stethoscope so we can use the stethoscope to listen to lung sounds.
Pen Light
We'll utilize this to assess pupils
**Pen lights do not come with AAA batteries
Wrist Watch
We use the wrist watch to assess heart rate and respiratory rate. We leave it up to you on obtaining a digital vs analog watch. We prefer analog.
Surgical Masks
Surgical Masks must be worn when sneezing or coughing in lab with a confirmed negative COVID test.​
2020 BLS CPR Manual
The CPR manual we will use by the American Heart Association​
Pulse Ox (Not Required)
Place this device on the finger to assess how saturated ​the patient's hemoglobin is. It will also provide a relatively accurate heart rate
Test Prep Books (Not Required)
Your best chance at passing the NREMT is by exposing yourself to as many similar questions as possible. We highly recommend purchasing a prep book and downloading some prep apps for your phone​
Textbook + MyBradyLab
We are in the process of transitioning to a more recent version of this textbook. Please double check with Marty regarding the edition.
Once you receive your course code for MyBradylab, you will be prompted to purchase an online access code. You will need this to complete your online quizzes and access your grades.
EMT Notepad [Not Required]
These notepads come with sections similar to a patient care report. They will help you with your patient assessments during your clinicals
Trauma Shears [Not Required]
The Xshears have titanium coated blades that will last you multiple uses. These are not required for class but are nicer quality than most shears.​